Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Science Makes Everything Possible!

      From the day we were born, up to this time of our lives, we are encountering and discovering such things in our environment. Science, it has a big part on our life. It helps us experience and discover either useful or harmful things on our surroundings.
      Scientricity, from the words "science" and "electricity", combined together to implement the conservation of energy.
     " Electricity is a powerful force of nature. Electricity is everywhere in the universe. Electrical forces hold water, metals, and all other kinds of matter together. You can walk and run because electric signals go through your nerves from your brain to your muscles. The signals tell your muscles where to move.
Electricity makes many machines work. Electricity makes bulbs light up and runs motors in saws, fans, hairdryers, and other appliances. The computer you are using works because of electricity. "
       Conservation of energy is the main focus of the theme of the Science Club Month Celebration. Example of this so called energy is Electricity. This energy is useful to us but harmful or dangerous when not in use properly. It is useful to us for our appliances. It can cause to the death of people when it creates fire. It destroys homes, rice fields and others.
       Energy conservation helps our mother earth to maintain it's stability.

1 comment:

  1. your so true friend.Indeed, electricity is very important in our daily lives. it makes our work easier and faster, though it is very dangerous when we are not using it right. Because of your blog, many people will be more aware about the importance of electricity and science for the maintenance and for the stability of our mother earth.
